Aviation is great for kids to get into. There are so many educational benefits to this subject area, so if your children are showing an interest, encourage them as much as you can! Aviation is the perfect topic to help children develop their understanding of physics and math, as kids will cover all the bases – there’s plenty of science involved in aviation, technology is crucial, engineering is vital to all types of aircraft, and math is embedded in most aviation activities that kids will do.
Whether your child goes on to a career in aviation or not, the skills they develop along the way will help them in their studies and boost their future job prospects. We’ve come up with some tips to get your kids into aviation and get your little pilots ready for take-off. You’ll need to be guided by your child’s age and skill level of course, but try these tips to get them taking to the skies!
1. Visit an Airshow
An airshow is the perfect place to spark an interest in aviation. Whether your child is getting up close and personal with a stationary plane or watching them fly above their heads, it’s hard to resist the allure of aircraft when you’re right amongst them. It doesn’t matter if they’re looking at vintage aircraft, warplanes or the latest passenger jets, getting close to the action is what matters here.
If there are no airshows in your area, you could visit an aviation museum or even head to your closest airport to watch the pilots take off and land. It’s one thing to watch aircraft on television or online but seeing aviation in person is always so much better!
2. Try a STEM Project
Given the ever-advancing tech in today’s world, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) are important skills for your child to learn. There are lots of really cool STEM projects out there that can develop your child’s interest in aviation. Whether they’re making things move with a balloon and straw along with a piece of string or testing their design skills with a paper plane challenge, these activities are an excellent way to explore key aviation concepts in a simple and fun way.
You might be looking at thrust, weight, and drag or finding out what’s meant by energy conservation. Maybe your child wants to find out more about air pressure or test their engineering skills. A quick search online will give you plenty of aviation ideas, but remember that the activities don’t need to be complicated. Making windsocks or kites or assembling a model plane are all good starting points.
3. Fly a Remote-Controlled Plane

Remote controlled planes are an excellent way for your budding pilot to practice their skills and develop a taste for flying. They’re a lot of fun and perfect for developing hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness. If you’re flying planes together, there are also plenty of opportunities to discuss aviation topics like forces, lift, and drag. There are so many options to choose from that it can be hard to make a decision. In this case, check out this guide to the best remote-controlled planes for some guidance. Find one that’s appropriate for a beginner pilot and you can upgrade as their skills develop. Many remote-controlled planes have beginner, intermediate and expert modes, so your child can progress as they get more experience.
4. Try a Flight Simulator
There are lots of options here but they all have the same end result: getting your child to experience what it’s like to fly an actual aircraft. You might choose to book an experience with a flight simulator business where your child will get to sit in a replica cockpit, experience real-life flight noises, and be guided by qualified instructors as they attempt their first take-off and landing.
That can be expensive though and there are plenty of online options that are cost-effective starting points:
- Google Earth Flight Simulator is an easy entry-point
- Geo-FS is another browser-based option
- X-Plane 11 is probably one of the most advanced flight simulators available to the general public.
5. Consider Flight Training
If your child has reached the teenage years and still has a strong interest in aviation, it might be time to think about having them learn to fly. Even if they don’t go on to get their pilot’s license, it could still be a valuable learning experience. There may be age limits where you live or various other restrictions, but it’s definitely worth checking out. If your child is keen, make sure you choose a reputable flight training organization and support your child as they get their wings!
Final Thoughts
An interest in aviation is certainly something to encourage. Not every plane enthusiast will end up working as a pilot, and they don’t need to. There are plenty of alternative careers in aviation or other physics-related industries that your child may end up in. Or perhaps it will always just be a hobby for them. That’s great too! Wherever your child is headed, encourage their interests and you might be surprised where they take them.