AvPlan Review; How does this EFB stack up?

In this article, we will take a closer look at the AvPlan software and discuss some of its features, strengths, pricing and whether one should consider AvPlan as an EFB.

Finding the right electronic flight bag can be a challenging task, and switching between different options is not uncommon. I have changed four times in as many years, trying to find the “right” supplier. In this article, I will be looking at AvPlan and hopefully could help answer a few of the pressing questions that users might have when deciding which EFB to use. I will look at the ease of use, pricing, support and competition.

AvPlan is still a relatively new software, and there are some exciting targets the company is trying to achieve. Lastly, I believe the shared experience of users is extremely valuable, and I look forward to reading comments and thoughts from all the AvPlan users out there.

The Good

  • Increased situational awareness.
  • Lots of data available at your fingertips
  • Lightweight way to “carry” legal documents
  • Allows comprehensive flight planning – one solution to many challenges
  • Has weight and balance calculations option in settings within the app.
  • Invaluable for search and rescue operations – improves response times
  • Writing pad was easily accessible and easy to use
  • Reduces stress.
  • Video tutorials are very helpful
  • Pricing is quite reasonable
  • AvPlan Customer service is excellent
  • FREE 30 day trial

The Bad

  • Can result in degradation of navigation skills.
  • Results in “head-down” pilots – looking at screens rather than out the window.
  • Reliability is dependent on the device not malfunctioning.
  • Some functions and documents seem ‘hidden’ at times
  • Not being able to save notes can get frustrating

Verdict: AvPlan is mostly easy to use, and the features and functions make it a great alternative to the OzRunways EFB!

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avplan review, avplan efb
AvPlan is an EFB application developed in Australia for use on tablet-styled devices. It runs on both IOS and Android systems

What is an electronic flight bag? (EFB)

When you look at photos (or videos) of pilots walking towards their jets in the past, you should be able to identify the junior pilot by means of the big heavy flight bag he or she will be carrying. Inside the bag will be maps, approach plates, AIP’s and a load of necessary information required for the flight. The bag, often rectangular and quite heavy, was called the flight bag.

The advent of electronic storage means that all information previously contained in that heavy bag could now be stored on an electronic device. The EFB was patented in 1999 and used on KLM Boeings since 2003.

EFB in today’s language usually refers to a tablet-type device like an iPad that serves as the flight bag.

What is AvPlan?

AvPlan is an EFB application developed in Australia for use on tablet-styled devices. It runs on both IOS and Android systems, but the Android system only supports the first two tiers of the plan. The software can be used on cell phones, but legislation dictates that it should be used only as a backup. 

AvPlan is Australian developed and is in direct competition with OzRunways to become the EFB of choice. The software is primarily aimed at smaller plane operations, i.e. private pilots, or charters and RPT services that make use of aircraft such as the caravan, king airs, and piston twins.

With that being said, the commercial application of AvPlan seems to be growing and operators should talk to AvPlan directly if they’re considering using the software.

AvPlan is compliant with CAR 233 – this means it can completely replace paper maps, etc.

“CASA Approved & designed for VFR recreational, professional IFR charter and global airline aviation operations.”

avplan efb, avplan software
AvPlan offers a lot of services for a fair price, having options for many different flying requirements and situations

How do you use AvPlan?

One needs an appropriate device – refer to your own Aviation Authority for guidance. GPS and internet connection are strongly recommended. Australia dictates that a device needs to have specific requirements. Pilots need to confirm that devices are legal. You can read more about the Rules and Regulations for using EFBs on the CASA website.

The EFB software needs to be downloaded onto this device. Once the software is launched, an account needs to be created, and a “license” purchased. These licenses are usually valid for a year. After that, one can use AvPlan by launching the Avplan electronic flight bag app. It is good to note that almost all EFB software offers a free trial.

Is AvPlan easy to use?

Like all software, using AvPlan effectively and efficiently takes time and some effort. AvPlan offers training videos online, and certain flight schools arrange for representatives of EFB software to host seminars. These seminars are sometimes recorded and AvPlan shares the videos with users.

AvPlan basic functionality is relatively intuitive, but personal experience has had me struggling to access certain documents and some functions are hidden. I liked the easy-access writing pad on AvPlan, although not being able to “save” the notes was a bit frustrating.  

“AvPlan EFB, a simple, easy to use application for pilots allowing for on the go flight planning and a paperless cockpit.”


How much does it cost?

AvPlan has multiple costing tiers depending on the functions available to the user. This is the annual pricing tiers for August 2023:

avplan pricing

How does AvPlan compare to OzRunways?

This question could be an article in and of itself, but anecdotal evidence suggests that OzRunways is the better VFR option, whereas AvPlan makes a strong case for professional IFR charter.

The competition between AvPlan and OzRunways is generally good for the user, as the companies try and outperform each other. Trying both software options for free trials might be a good idea. You can also find our full Ozrunways review article HERE.

On a personal level, I would like to see some “refresher” training incorporated into EFBs, especially for non-career pilots. What I mean by that is something like a multiple-choice quiz that is launched within the app once a month to keep pilots sharp and their knowledge fresh. A checklist being integrated might also be a good idea.

The reason for my comment above is that both AvPlan and OzRunways offer very similar value and services. It might be worth finding out what each company does “extra” and see if that can help separate them.

To the pilots who want a like-for-like comparison, I think a quick study of the two companies’ feature pages would be a good place to commence.

avplan efb features
The AvPlan features can help to keep you safer, save time and fly more efficiently
avplan efb features

Advantages of using AvPlan

  • Increased situational awareness.
  • Lots of data available at your fingertips
  • Lightweight way to “carry” legal documents
  • Allows comprehensive flight planning – one solution to many challenges
  • Has weight and balance calculations option in settings within the app.
  • Invaluable for search and rescue operations – improves response times
  • Writing pad was easily accessible and easy to use
  • Reduces stress.
  • Video tutorials are very helpful
  • Pricing is quite reasonable
  • AvPlan Customer service is excellent
  • FREE 30 day trial
avplan benefits
There are many benefits to using AvPlan and they also offer a free 30 day trial

Disadvantages of using AvPlan

  • Can result in degradation of navigation skills.
  • Results in “head-down” pilots – looking at screens rather than out the window.
  • Reliability is dependent on the device not malfunctioning.
  • Some functions and documents seem ‘hidden’ at times
  • Not being able to save notes can get frustrating

FAQ’s about AvPlan

AvPlan is actually very good at responding to emails. On a couple of test emails I sent, they responded with assistance within 5 minutes or less. Here are some FAQs about AvPlan:

What is the Critical point in AvPlan?

The term “critical point” generally invokes unpleasant memories of ferocious button punching on a calculator to get one more mark as the clock ticks on during a flight planning exam.

To those yet uninitiated in the trauma of flight planning exams, the critical point is a distance along the planned route/track, where the time to destination is equal to the time to return to departure.

In most general aviation flying, it is not as important, as there are usually ample landing strips available along a route. However, this is a great “extra info” component, and I am impressed with AvPlan for incorporating it into their software. The added bonus is that AvPlan included the option of “engine-out” performance for multi-engine aircraft in the calculation.

How many devices can I have on AvPlan?

AvPlan EFB has recently upgraded to 9.4, and this allows a user to use a single subscription across three devices and across varying platforms. This is really good, as the user could have an iPad as primary and an Android tablet as secondary, with any type of cell phone as tertiary, or, one user could run one subscription on three iPads.

What is the latest version of AvPlan?

AvPlan just recently launched a major update – AvPlan EFB 9.4 and the new features can be found here. The app usually updates automatically once a new version is released and the device is connected to Wi-Fi. 

What Electronic Flight Bags do airlines use?

Airlines tend to use Jeppesen-based EFBs. Smaller regional airlines might make use of OzRunways or AvPlan. A Qantas pilot based in Perth confirmed to me that they make use of FD JEPP PRO X.

Both OzRunways and AvPlan make use of Airservices approach plates.

avplan for the vfr pilot
AvPlan for the VFR Pilot includes features such as Chart overlay, Synthetic Vision, Flight Planning, Weather, Windy Integration, Weight and Balance, Fuel Prices and Live flight tracking
avplan for the ifr pilot
Features for the IFR Pilot include Advanced weight and balance, PIREPs, Annotations, LSALT/MEA Calculator, Flight Plan Import and Future Rain Radar

Who owns AvPlan?

AvPlan is a private Australian company, with notable owners being Internode founder Simon Hackett and founder and CEO Bevan Anderson.

Verdict: AvPlan is mostly easy to use, and the features and functions make it a great alternative to the OzRunways EFB!


An EFB can add great value to pilots – it increases situational awareness, it reduces the amount of books, maps and load-sheets in an aircraft and it is reliable and accurate. I strongly recommend that pilots make use of EFBs if they can. However, the dangers of EFBs are real, and you would be wise to consider these when flying and ensure you don’t abandon traditional airmanship methods.

AvPlan offers a lot of services for a fair price, having options for many different flying requirements and situations – and the company seems to be excited about the future. AvPlan is easy enough to use, and the support service is excellent. AvPlan has many good qualities and most users have noted positive experiences.

I have found AvPlan to be a great option as an EFB and many pilots would agree. What are your thoughts? Have you used AvPlan?

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